We help teach guitar by using popular songs as vehicles to get your playing to the next level. Keep in mind that this DVD is way more than just a song lesson.

We also have on screen text, multiple camera angles, picture in picture multiple camera shots, and close ups of the neck and fret hand to make the learning process even easier and more fun. Then we show you how to tie everything together. If you are familiar with our teaching methods you know that we take songs sections one at a time and break them down into smaller sections, explaining every piece as we go along. We break this song into easily digestible sections to get you playing and rocking the song out in the fastest and most efficient manner. The song is broken down and explained and demonstrated at slow speed and regular speed. When we say “full song lesson” we mean it – we teach ALL the song parts – intros, verses, rhythms, finger picking patterns, and more. In this two-hour DVD we break down and explain in our easy to digest format a hauntingly beautiful Hallelujah. Amaze your family and friends, join a band, have fun, and ROCK ON!

With a little practice you can be playing the hits you love just like on the radio.

We break down popular songs and make them simple and fun. We are really stoked to bring our unique teaching techniques to you in Full Screen DVD format. Hello Good People – Tim Gilberg here from Next Level Guitar.