Confront nasty monsters for their materials.Watch out for changing weather conditions! You may find yourself caught out in the rain, a freezing blizzard, or even the baking heat of a desert. Upgrade your hammer, axe, and sickle for new swings and attacks to help with your day-to-day tasks. Once you've decided on a potion, ointment, or salve, gather ingredients from the surrounding environment using your tools. This patient has been consuming too much gelatin! Easily remedied you'll just need to craft some Minty Goblet. Shoulder cramps, perhaps? No, these are sure signs of burning lungs.
Diagnose symptoms and find a cure! Hmm. Sick residents will have their schedules interrupted while they recuperate in bed. Moonbury has around 30 unique inhabitants who will occasionally fall ill and call for your aid. Gain their trust and tend to each person when they fall ill in this open-ended sim RPG. The Medical Association decides to send their most accomplished chemist - you - to help cure the mayor's daughter and convince the residents of Moonbury of the wonders of modern alchemy. Until one day, when the mayor's daughter falls ill, and the local witch doctor can do nothing to help her, they are forced to look outside their small community for help. The town of Moonbury has always been wary of the advances of the outside world, preferring to rely on their traditional methods of healing.