And if the car doesn't meet your expectations (poor AC or something) you can ask for another one. The car we rented on Little Cayman just 2 weeks ago had 70,000 miles and they showed! But it worked fine and got us around and that's all we wanted.

The rental cars on Brac and Little are usually not as new and spiffy as rental cars on GC. I think one time we had a time crunch before leaving for the airport and they told us to just leave the car out in front of the hotel and leave the keys with the desk and they would pick it up later. On both sister islands, someone from a car rental agency shows up and drives us to their office to fill out the paperwork and get the keys. I believe that rental cars are cheaper on Grand Cayman than the sister islands - probably due to competition! If you rent a car on one of the Cayman Islands and plan to visit another island, save the temp drivers permit that you buy for $20 CID, because it is good for month on all 3 islands. But if we wanted a car for a longer period of time, we would do some research first. To rent a car we usually just ask the front desk at the hotel to make the arrangements for us.

We always rent a car for one day on either Brac or Little just to tour the island and check things out - it's a pretty quick tour on Little Cayman!